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First you need to take a decision on if you will use the component in the header or as an option field (recommended for shared cloud).


If your status-flow does not require customizations through commands it is recommended to use it as an option field. This is always the the case in shared cloud.

Add component on your card (In View config)

Web Client - Flow Limeobject Header

Congratulations on your choice! A good one aswell 😃

Go to Lime Admin => Views => <Limetype you want it on> => Card:

Scroll down to Web Components and press Add.

As a name write: lwc-status-flow-limeobject-header

In the section Properties you'll need to do some configuration.

Name Type Default value Description
optionPropName string N/A What option property to use and fetch its options from

Example config for deal, deal status (limeobject header)

    "optionPropName": "dealstatus"

Now you are ready to jump to Configure action and visualization of the component

Web Client - Flow Option Field

Congratulations on your choice! 🙂

Go to Lime Admin => Views => <Limetype you want it on> => Card => <Property you want to replace>:

Go to the section Web Component write the following:

As a name write: lwc-status-flow-option-field

Under the section Layout set the property: colSpan to <max value available>

Leave the Properties section empty

Configure action and visualization of the component

Go to Lime Admin => Settings => Status flow => Limetype config

Add a new Item with the button.

Fill in the form to configure to your needs.

Migration of old config

If you have had an old version and want to migrate old config to the new version. Go to the Migration section in Status flow and follow the instructions

Unique name

The unique name always start with <limetype name>.<property name> and you can manually add a suffix to be able to have multiple flows on the same property Then you can use this name to select what flow to use by sending the unique name to the status-flow components using the property configName.

If you don't provide a configName it will work as before, finding the first flow that matches your limetype and property.

How to use the property

When configuring the status-flow component in the view config you always set a name and then you can add properties below. There you should add:

    "configName": "<my full unique name>"

Can be used together with Object variants

So now you can reference different flows for different variants using the property configName

How to handle images and it's size in Guidance

If you want to add an image to a guidance in a step. Insert it using HTML, here's an example:

    alt="Lime Logo"
    style="max-height: 8rem"
Name Description
src A link to the image you want to show
alt A text that shows if image can't load
style Here you can give it styling (how it looks like), in the example we set a max-height so that it scales down to a max height of 8rem

You can read more about images in HTML here

Example of config strucutre in Lime Admin (for deal status on deal)

    "name": "deal.dealstatus",
    "visualize_configs": [
            "detailProperty": {},
            "guidance": [
                    "lang": "en",
                    "text": "# Marked in the browser is now possible if you update the properties\n\nRendered by **marked**.\n - one\n - two"
                    "lang": "sv",
                    "text": "# Marked är nu tillgängligt om du uppdaterar properties\n\nFormaterat med **marked**.\n - ett\n - två"
                    "lang": "default",
                    "text": "# Marked in the browser is now possible if you update the properties\n\nRendered by **marked**.\n - one\n - two"
            "flowItemAttributes": {},
            "option": "contact",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-blue-default))",
            "icon": "phone_message_92462",
            "is_off_progress": false
            "detailProperty": {},
            "guidance": [],
            "flowItemAttributes": {},
            "option": "requirement",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-teal-default))",
            "icon": "advanced_search",
            "is_off_progress": false
            "detailProperty": {
                "name": "quotesent",
                "dateFormat": "relative"
            "guidance": [
                    "lang": "en",
                    "text": "# Marked in the browser\n\nRendered by **marked**.\n\n 1. First item\n 2. Second item\n 3. Third item\n    - Indented item\n    - Indented item\n 4. Fourth item"
                    "lang": "sv",
                    "text": "# Marked är nu tillgängligt\n\nFormaterat med **marked**.\n\n 1. Första punkten\n 2. Andra punkten\n 3. Tredje punkten\n    - Underpunkt\n    - Underpunkt 2\n 4. Fjärde punkten"
                    "lang": "default",
                    "text": "# Marked in the browser\n\nRendered by **marked**.\n\n 1. First item\n 2. Second item \n 3. Third item \n    - Indented item \n    - Indented item \n 4. Fourth item"
            "flowItemAttributes": {},
            "option": "tender",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-green-default))",
            "icon": "new_document",
            "is_off_progress": false
            "detailProperty": {},
            "guidance": [
                    "lang": "default",
                    "text": "# Marked\n\n<img alt=\"Lime Logo\" src=\"\" style=\"max-height: 8rem\" />"
            "flowItemAttributes": {},
            "option": "agreement",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-green-dark))",
            "icon": "win",
            "is_off_progress": false
            "detailProperty": {},
            "guidance": [
                    "lang": "default",
                    "text": "# Marked in the browser\n\n    <html>\n        <body>\n        </body>\n    </html>\n\n*italic*"
            "flowItemAttributes": {
                "disabled": true,
                "secondaryText": "Work harder, no rejections!!"
            "option": "rejection",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-red-dark))",
            "icon": "closed_sign",
            "is_off_progress": true
            "detailProperty": {},
            "guidance": [],
            "flowItemAttributes": {},
            "option": "onhold",
            "color": "rgb(var(--color-coral-default))",
            "icon": "circled_pause",
            "is_off_progress": true
    "exclude_statuses": [],
    "command_id": null,
    "guidance_size": "small",
    "limetype": "deal",
    "full_path_to_property": "deal.dealstatus",
    "unique_name": "deal.dealstatus"

Visualize Config

The value is a separate dictionary described below

Name Type Default value Description
option string N/A What option to describe
color string var(--mdc-theme-primary) What color to use for the step for example: rgb(var(--color-blue-default)), red, #CCC
icon string N/A What icon to use for the step for example: add_ticket, outgoing_data, ok
detailProperty DetailProperty N/A A dictionary containing settings for lime property to be shown. See here for more info
guidance GuidanceText N/A A dictionary containing language code and MarkDown describing the current steps in detail. See here for more info
is_off_progress boolean false true if the option should be outside the flow, as a side step
flowItemAttributes dict {} A dictionary of values to be sent to the FlowItem See docs here

Detail Property

Name Type Default value Description
name string N/A What Lime property to fetch value from
dateFormat string N/A Only applicable if the name property is a time field. Can be set to relative (Relative to "now" i.e. "10 minutes ago"), relativeCalendar (Relative to "yesterday") or a string described here

Guidance Text

Name Type Default value Description
lang string N/A language code (en, sv, ..., default) default is used as fallback. key is used to locate text to show
text string N/A MarkDown describing the current steps in detail